Beanstalk\\Command\\PauseTube Class Ref ======================================= .. php:namespace:: Beanstalk\Command .. php:class:: PauseTube :Extends: :php:class:`Beanstalk\\Command` :Description: The pause-tube command can delay any new job being reserved for a given time :Author: Joshua Dechant .. topic:: Class Methods * :php:meth:`PauseTube::__construct` -- Constructor * :php:meth:`PauseTube::getCommand` -- Get the command to send to the beanstalkd server * :php:meth:`PauseTube::parseResponse` -- Parse the response for success or failure. .. php:method:: __construct( $tube , $delay ) :Description: Constructor :param string $tube: The tube to pause :param integer $delay: Number of seconds to wait before reserving any more jobs from the queue .. php:method:: getCommand( ) :Description: Get the command to send to the beanstalkd server :returns: *string* .. php:method:: parseResponse( $response [ , $data = null , $conn = null ] ) :Description: Parse the response for success or failure. :param string $response: Response line, i.e, first line in response :param string $data: Data recieved with reponse, if any, else null :param Beanstalk\Connection $conn: BeanstalkConnection use to send the command :returns: *boolean* True if command was successful :throws: *\Beanstalk\Exception* When the tube does not exist :throws: *\Beanstalk\Exception* When any other error occurs